Back to School Book Trailer Challenge

Did you enjoy reading Shipshape? Do you want to tell your friends all about it? Make a book trailer with your favorite video software like iMovie, WeVideo, or a smart phone. Share it with me, E. E. Dowd on social media and fill out this form for a chance to win an author visit for your class. Check out this link to 4 Essentials for Creating a Book Trailer to get started or check out the videos of books I love posted here. September 6- November 1.

 Do you love to learn about new things and be creative while you’re doing it? Then this is the place for you. Take a look below to find quick activities about Shipshape and some other fun stuff too. We’re always adding new activities, so check back often for updates.

Green image with three cartoon robots that says wonder, creativity, and action.

 Writing prompts and Riddles

  • Mr. Shipley requires solving riddles to access his computer. What riddle would you use to protect your secrets? Create a riddle of your own.

  • Jamisen the hamster becomes an important part of Ms. B.’s classroom. In Shipshape, Ben and his classmates create a place for him to live. Have you ever wondered what Jamisen the hamster really gets up to? Now’s your chance to imagine. Write about the secret life of Jamisen the hamster.

  • Ben really struggles with his first homework assignment from Ms. B. about who he is, so he decides to write a letter to himself to read later. What would you write in a letter to your future self?

  • I’m not going to give away the ending, but why not write a different one. What else could have happened to the characters? What do you think should happen at the end of Shipshape?

Creative Projects